365 Stamps Project, Stamp 99

This stamp is Argentina, Scott 594. There are several varieties.

The map on this stamp shows the outline of Argentina and Argentine Antarctica.

The Antarctic territory is claimed based on its station, established in 1904. The claim includes the Antarctic Peninsula.

Argentina includes the area in the Province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands. The Province also claims to include the Falkland Islands, the Southern Orkney Islands, South Georgia, and the South Sandwich Islands.

Those Island territories are all currently controlled by Great Britain, and treated as British Overseas Territories.

The Argentine Antarctic territory also overlaps part of the British and Chilean claims on the continent.

The stamp was issued in 1951. In the Presidential election of that year, Argentine women were first given the vote, and Juan Perón (Evita’s husband) was elected for his second five-year term. His third term would be in the 1970s.






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