365 Stamp Project 111: Nubian Ibex

This 1991 five fulu (fluid are 1/1000 of a dinar) stamp was issued as part of an endangered species four stamp set from the Hashamite Kingdom of Jordan.

Nubian Ibex, Jordan, 1991

The Nubian ibex (Capra nubiana) is a desert-dwelling goat found in mountainous areas of the Middle East, and north & northeast Africa.

In Yemen, they are tied closely with national identity. Their National Ibex Day, is January 22.

It’s more familiar European cousin, the Alpine ibex (Capra ibex), as it’s name suggests, lives in the European Alps.

The Nubian Ibex was extirpated (locally extinct) from Jordan by over hunting. Animals were reintroduced starting in 1989, but they continued to face hunting pressures.

However, reintroductions continued and by 2011 there were over 600 wild Nubian Ibex in Jordan.

On a side note, the royal family claims descent from Hashem, a great grandfather of the Prophet Mohamed, and descent from the Prophet himself. Hence the name Hashemite.



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