365 Stamps Project Day 96

This 1980 stamp from Lesotho is part of a set in a traditional pottery series. It highlights a beer mug, called a Sekhona.

The Kingdom of Lesotho is the largest enclave country in the world. It is completely surrounded by the Republic of South Africa. The only other enclave countries are Vatican City, and San Marino, both on the Italian peninsula.

Lesotho was previously the British Crown Colony of Basutoland, and stamps of that colony are readily available.

Lesotho is a constitutional monarchy, with the current King Letsie III prevented from dealing in politics. A Prime Minister is the head of government.

The Kingdom was first organized around 1822 as Basutoland, under King Moshoeshoe I. His reign was troubled with conflict with British and Boer forces, along with other indigenous people.

In 1868, Moshoeshoe asked Queen Victoria to take them over as a protectorate. This was granted in 1869.

The Kingdom gained independence in 1966 and has undergone political upheaval ever since.

In 2010 the Kingdom requested annexation to South Africa because of the HIV epidemic. About a quarter of Lesotho’s population was HIV positive and they felt they needed help to get it under control. South Africa refused the annexation request.

The country is well integrated into the world through membership many international organizations, and is a member of the United Nations.

The country is one of the few sub-saharan African countries that are true nation-states. Almost all of the people of Lesotho identify as Basotho. The primary language spoken in Lesotho is Sesotho.







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